As promised on-stream Thursday, we are having another orientation/practice event today, Friday the 28th at 5pm Eastern 2100 zulu (right after the MSFSofficial group fly)
We are flying out of the famous Greece airport: LGTG where we will all be participating in a lesson with the TwoToneMurphy’s Thunderflys on Saturday. East USA server for today.
Today we learn to takeoff, level flight, follow each other and land properly. Then we will be confident when it comes to the lesson on Saturday.
The event Saturday, May 29th is at 8am Eastern, 1200 zulu with the ThunderFlys
They will be conducting an airshow, then a lesson for all to participate. Then a group fly with all of us trying to stay in formation for the epic fly over an airport. Don’t miss it!
Both events:

Everyone welcome to watch the airshow and to participate in the lesson afterwards.