Learn to find, tune and use this valuable navigation aid in the cockpit.
Join Howard for another Tuesday Lesson on flying using Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The VOR. How to find them, tune them and use them. This handy radio navigation aid is the basis for cross-country precision location and guidance systems. Every plane has it, even the basic Cessna 152 trainer. When you hear the expression, “Fly the Needles” this is the basis for that method. Using one or two VORs and even the more elaborate ILS system to guide you in low visibility or just to check your position along the way.
During the demonstration, Howard will take us from Oshawa airport near Toronto Canada to the Simcoe VOR, then outbound to Baldwin airport.
Join us for another informative and clear lesson and demonstration on:
Tuesday, May 11th at 5pm Eastern, 2100 zulu on https://twitch.tv/ForderLearnToFly